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St. Nicholas’ Monastery National School, Philip Street, Dundalk, is an all boys school under the patronage of the Armagh Diocese. It was founded by the De La Salle Brothers in 1915 to serve the Castletown Community. It is now a lay school, but we continue to follow the ethos of St. John Baptist De la Salle, which is to help all our young children to be fully prepared for life, both practically and spiritually.
Katriona Cosgrove,
About Our School
While our Mission Statement reflects the Catholic ethos of the school, we strive to be inclusive and welcoming to all.
Today our pupils come from wide and varied backgrounds and are of many different nationalities and cultures. We respect the traditions, values and religious beliefs of all our boys and their families. We strive to bring this diversity into our classrooms, making all our children feel special, secure and safe in their day to day life in school.
We are a warm, friendly school open to the community around us.
We thank our Board of Management and our Parents’ Association for all the help and support in our work.